State Highpoint Number Nineteen:

Date: Saturday, May 11, 2002
Peak: High Point
Height: 1,803 feet
Vertical Climb: 40 feet
Round-trip Mileage: 0.2 miles
Peak Class: #1
Height Rank: #40 of 50
Difficulty Rank: #36 of 50

It would be a year and a half before I made another high point climb. By now, I had my current job and was traveling around the United States for work. I had finished doing a training programin Sommerset, New Jersey and booked my return flight so I would have an extra day.

After finishing work, I left the hotel in Somerset at 2:00 and headed north on I-287 towards Hwy 206. Made exit but found it was only for Hwy 206 south so made u-turn and got back on Interstate. Continued north and made right exit and drove north across rolling hills and beautiful wooded scenery through Bedminster, Chester and Netcong. Crossed under I-80 and continued north on Hwy 206 through Cranberry Lake to Andover which was filled with antique shops but I didn’t stop at any on this trip. From Andover, drove through Springdale to Newton which was a beautiful village with a lot of Victorian homes. Decided to by-pass the Hwy 94 route and continued on to Ross Corner where there was a flea market at an airport.
The weather was beautiful with pale blue skies but a little chilly since I was wearing shorts. At Ross Corner took a smaller road 565 that was a freshly repaired two-lane blacktop and went through Pellettown until Sussex where I caught Hwy 23 north. Hwy 23 was also two-lane and very winding but beautiful scenery. I was definitely gaining altitude and made the short drive through Colesville and up to High Point State Park. I began seeing the monument several miles down the road. At the park entrance I stopped and looked around the visitor’s center. From there it was a two-mile drive up the mountain past campgrounds and a pretty lake to the summit.
A very large obelisk donated by a private citizen marks the summit. Although it was windy and chilly I didn’t put on long pants and walked up the short brick ramp and took a couple of pictures. From the High Point, there is a beautiful panoramic view in all directions. After spending twenty or thirty minutes I drove back down and retraced my route back to Somerset.
On Hwy 23 just north of Sussex I noticed the old wooden church with the name “Old Clove Church—1787.
The high point trip was about a 1-½ hour drive each way and a 4-hour trip total. Great trip and really nice high point to visit.

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